Trick to win every round on 2Go GoWords Novice, Master and Speed Room

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About some few years ago, 2go Messaging App was very common amongst teenagers, the most intriguing feature about this app was it's star level; Novice, Amateur, Senior, Professional, Expert, Leader, Veteran, Master (spent almost forever here), Ultimate, Sapphire, Emerald, Ruby, Diamond, and Black Diamond.

2Go messenger star ranks

I could remember, how for days I wouldn't press my phone in the hopes of not draining my battery life, so as my star progress would increase. 2go consumed 90% of my battery life. In other words you could say I never pretty did much with my phone expect 2go-ing. That was how much 2go was addictive back then!

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Ever since the popularity of WhatsApp and Instagram, I barely even 2go. Infact, I haven't even logged on 2go for about four years now, not until today. After so many years since I last logged, I noticed some upgrade in the messaging app, and most especially - my favourite 2go room, 2Go GoWords! Back then, it only used to be a GoWords Room for all users, whether beginner or professional. But now, they seemed to have group the GoWords Room, now we have 2Go GoWords Master, GoWords Novice, and GoWords Speed. Your rankings depends on the room you would have access to. If your ass is always been whooped around, then you unarguably have no business in the GoWords Speed or Master Room. But for like guys like me who are almost undefeatable in every GoWords round, we have done our homework!

2Go GoWords Master, Novice and Speed Room

If you are a 2Go GoWords freak like me, and you are tired of been defeated or getting your ass whooped every round by some random guy, then the 2go GoWords Word Combos is for you!

It is the Hack for the big points win you see on 2go GoWords Room

Word combos are word anagrams. Like, if you are given some group of random words on the GoWords Room, for example, tease and rater. With Word Combos, It's easier. The more Word Combos you know, the better edge it is for you. Instead of you playing using random words like, eat, rat, tea e.t.c

2Go GoWords Room/

With Word Combos, you would play the word, teaser, seater, teresa, reseat and easter. What did you notice? From the word teaser you could form three extra words with the same alphabet that would still give you the same points! You see, it's smarter using Word Combos.

For inexperienced players, they would waste their time using shorter and random words like, sat, stear, ear e.t.c. Are you kidding me? How do you expect to score high points with that! So step up your game today with word combos.

Here is a list of 2go GoWords Combos (Hacks) to practice!

If you are just starting out, learn this!

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7 and 8 Points GoWords Combos

And lastly, for professional (Master and Speedy Room mates) 2go GoWorders

I can assure you, as soon as you get the hang of those words you would defeat almost anyone in the 2go GoWords Novice, Master and Speed Room. Remember! the more Word combos you know, the higher your points in 2go GoWords Room.

I hope this helps? Feel free to share your experience below.


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