Smile UnlimitedPremium TrueUnlimited Offer | Browse without Data Cap or Speed Limits

Just about few weeks ago (as at the time writting), the biggest 4G LTE mobile brandband provider in Nigeria, Smile, introduced a new data plan, "ValuePlus". The new data offer exists give customers more value at a more affordable cost. READ MORE: Smile New ValuePlus Data Plans and Price So enough of the ValuePlus data offer. Let's head to the business of the day! Smile Nigeria had just made some few adjustments to the UnlimitedPremium plan. Before the change, the monthly plan used to be capped at 80GB data and 8Mbps speed limit. It was a bit frustrating. How would you subscribe for an unlimited plan and the thoughts of the data been exhausted before the expiry data keeps coming through your mind? To cut the long story short. With the revamped UnlimitedPremium TrueUnlimited plan, you can browse all you want at a maximum speed. "NO Limit, NO FUP and NO Speed Cap". Just as Smile said, there wouldn't be any data and speed limit of whatsoev...